Choco Express

(Sharing Pack) Lotte Crunky Mini Bar Double Curnch 513g| Mini Chocolate Bar/ Product of Korea

The Lotte Crunky Double Crunch Mini Bar is the perfect outdoor snack for kids and grown-ups alike. With its irresistible crunchy texture and delicious

taste, this snack is sure to satisfy your cravings.
- Tasty double crunch
- Perfect for kids and adults
- Convenient mini size
- Ideal for outdoor activities

The Lotte Crunky Double Crunch Mini Bar features a unique texture that melts gently in your mouth, providing a satisfying crunch that you won't

forget. Its mini size makes it easy to take on the go, making it an ideal choice for outdoor activities or as a quick snack between meals.

 Grab yourself some Lotte Crunky Double Crunch Mini Bars today!

Product of Korea
513g per pack
Expire date: 17 Nov 2024

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(Sharing Pack) Lotte Crunky Mini Bar Double Curnch 513g| Mini Chocolate Bar/ Product of Korea(Sharing Pack) Lotte Crunky Mini Bar Double Curnch 513g| Mini Chocolate Bar/ Product of Korea(Sharing Pack) Lotte Crunky Mini Bar Double Curnch 513g| Mini Chocolate Bar/ Product of Korea